FINALLY! Back on track with the NOLA Master's project!
Okay, so just for a chuckle, this photo has nothing to do with NOLA nor France, but is a photo I took when on the road from one place to another. I call it Skyfish :
After a long hiatus of summer work to pay off the bank and working out teaching schedules and getting all of these classes (I have too many) off the ground, I FINALLLY have launched the analysis of my Corpus. It's still a long road and I feel like I'm going through murky waters at the moment, but I've got cookies in the oven to keep the house warm and sweet... I'm still working through all of the fabulous transcriptions of all the fabulous musicians I met in New Orleans. I am very sad to report that I will not be able to use ALL of the transcriptions as the interviews are long - musicians in NOLA had a lot to say about Francophones, being Francophone, music, Katrina, and reconnecting with their beloved city.
The temperature dropped in Rennes today, but going back to my transcriptions brings me back to the hot subtropical temperatures of NOLA. I miss you New Orleans!